
Orichalcum is the mythological metal from the legend of Atlantis. The artwork stands for beauty and colour bursting out from under rust and decay. Or is it more profound in the sense that  there might be different layers of reality from which we now see a glimpse of.

The work is made of steelplate and bismuth (nr 83 from the periodic table). Bismuth is an iridescent metal which means different lighting and angles will show an array of different shiny colours.

Dimensions: height 110cm, width 90cm, depth 2cm overall (protruding parts 12cm), weight 10 kg,


Price on request.





Two beings. Are they human or from somewhere else. Are they just the essence of a being since there are no limbs showing  or are they cloaked in robes ? Are they in conversation since their heads lean towards eachother or do they bow their heads in humility and resegnation under a distant celestial body.

This work is made of bismuth metal on a black steel plate that has a light sheen to it. Bismuth shows a variety of colours when looked at from different angles and under different light.

Dimensions: height 110 cm, width 65 cm, depth 1cm, weight 9kg.


Price on request.





This object is truly from out of this world.

The piramid or obelisk shape with an allmost levitating elliptical black stone on top leaves us with a sense of wonder and estrangement. Allmost an interstellar object suspended in space and time.

This piece is made of bismuth metal, mirrorgrade stainless steel and vulcanic stone.

Dimensions: height 53 cm, width 10 cm, depth 10cm, weight 3.5 kg


Price on request





The legend of the fenix. Renewal and rebirth. Rising from fire and ashes to start over, stronger as before.

This mixed media work consists of a high gloss dibond (aluminiumpanel) background, acrylic paint and black tourmaline stone.

Dimensions: heigth 107cm, width 88cm, depth 1.5cm, weigth 3.5 kg.

This piece comes with a satin gloss silver frame.


Price on request





Flying high

This fenix is escaping the endless cycle of flames and resurrection. He is soaring so high he will soon touch the sky and be free.

This piece consists of a copperplate on which etching and torch techniques have been applied. Furthermore sealingwax, acrylicpaint and chromepaint are used.

Depending on lighting and angle this work shows a variety of colours due to its copper nature.

Dimensions: height 40cm, width 20cm, depth 2mm, weight 0.36 kg.


Price on request.





Esklapios, the god of medicine and healing in greek mythologie. This is a temple built in his honour, a so called esklapion, like there were many in ancient greece. The staff with serpent stands for healing and rebirth, since the serpent sheds its skin now and then and starts afresh. The symbol is still used by modern-day medical practioners.

The painting shows us us only a little part of a figure in the front, staff in hand. One wonders if it is just a statue or is it Esklapios himself standing guard.

This piece consists of acrylic paint on canvas in a solid white marble frame.

Dimensions: height 70cm, width 90cm, depth 2cm, weight 10kg.


Price on request.






The remains of a lost civilisation rising up from an otherwise empty ocean, where dark and light oppose eachother. 

This painting is made from acrylic on canvas in a solid belgian hardstone frame.

Dimensions: height 65cm, width 85cm, depth 2cm, weight 8kg.


Price on request.





These typical rays of light are also referred to as jacobsladders after the story of Jacob in the biblical book of Genesis, having a prophetic dream.

The painting consists of acrylic on canvas and comes with a black satin gloss wooden frame.

Dimensions: height 70cm, width 90cm, depth 2cm, weight 2,5kg.


Price on request.




Ancient realm

This painting depicts an ancient underwaterworld which leaves the viewer with some unanswered questions. Where do the staircases lead to, why are the seahorse sentinels there, why do they look like they are from out of this world ?

This work consists of acrylic paint on canvaspanel.

Dimensions: height 60cm, width 80cm, depth 3mm, weight 1kg.


Price on request.





Peacefull and yet estranging this mountain lake with the bonsai and lanterns rising out of the water.

The painting is made of acylic on canvas and comes with a satin gloss darkred wooden frame.

Dimensions: height 66cm. width 86cm, depth 4cm, weight 3kg.



Price on request